
Twin Walling

We removed an old gas fire and fitted a wood burning stove with a twin wall flue system which ran externally.

Installation of a new gas Gazco stove with full lining

Installation of a Dovre 250 multifuel stove

We carry out land lord and home owner gas safety checks with certification. This photo shows a combustion analysis test. These checks are vital and will show if the boiler is burning correctly and safely as per the manufacturer’s instructions. This is only a small part of the wider gas safety checks carried out.

New gas hob installation.

Another gas fire installation.

We replaced an old LPG stove with a multi fuel wood burning stove.

Before work. This chimney was found to be blocked on a recent gas fire service. We unblocked using power sweeping and rodding methods. The flue was then tested and checked thoroughly. We were then able to carry on with the gas fire service.

After service . This was a completed service. All relevant checks and tests were carried out. Certification and any advisory notices handed over. Another happy customer!

A new pot and bird/rain guard fitted. Top of stack flaunched over

A flexible stainless steel liner being fitted for a wood burning stove.

We fitted a new Gazco Stockton electric stove with a boxed slate hearth.